Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Jaden Portrait Shoot 2

This was my last digital 2 class that we had down town. Luckily we decided to work on portraits and Jaden was with me again! I think the shoot turned out great and I posted quite a bit of pics... but I think they are all worth looking at.


just said...


Son Kissed Photography said...

Those are AWESOME! I think they all turned out great. I love the first one and the 3rd one up from the bottom. You can't go wrong with a downtown background.

just said...

view my blog!!!

Mosaic said...

Ryan! These are fabulous! So proud of the incredible artist you are evolving into. Keep the pics coming even though your class is over!!

me medesimo said...

we live in tuscany (Italy) and we enjoy spend time drinking wine!! bye bye nice blog!